Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Feeling Guilty

September 17,  2013

You know when you are eating something that you shouldn't, you have that voice that is saying "you can stop eating this ya' know, you don't have to have what you are eating right now." Why do I always ignore it? I really want to work on that, like now. I think the things I eat (like peanut butter by the spoonfull, and handfuls of chocolate chips) are ok, but not really beneficial for me. I know I am eating those things to either procrastinate or sooth my feelings at the time. Does praying in the moment really work? Why do I doubt that?

I did however get up at 4:30 and workout before my daughter woke up! And more importantly I did my Bible study at that time, too!

So....my goal is to take my before picture tomorrow :( boo, but maybe it will scare me straight!

In God I trust :)

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