Sunday, September 15, 2013

Living and Active Goals 2013

September 15, 2013


I am brand, spankin', new to blogging! I love reading blogs, but I have never had the guts to do it myself until now. Now that there is motivation to do my best at something I have been longing to do. An accountability challenge for my fitness and faith. It is the perfect time, too! I just ran a half marathon yesterday, and I always long to sign up for another race right away, but this time God is at the heart of my next challenge...and I am so excited!

It has been hard for me recently to be disciplined in my daily exercise and bible study. I just went back to work as a teacher, and I have a little girl who is turning 1 this week. I am hoping that with this challenge I will be able to foster a routine that works for both me and my family. Time is always so valuable, and I always want to spend all of it with my little girl and husband.

I am taking this challenge up a notch! Here are my personal goals:

1. Exercise 4 X a week, before my daughter wakes up at 6 am.
2. Quiet time with my Lord and savior EVERY DAY.
3. Be more conscience about the amount of sugar and caffeine I consume, and limit it....a lot!

These are out of order, it really should be 2, 3, 1...but I am too lazy to change it. And, #3 is too vague, but I will have to get to that part later. I think the caffeine and sugar will lessen if I get a workout in earlier in the day.

I  heart Clare at Peak313, and I really don't want to let her or anyone else down that might read this beginning blog. I pray that we all do our best to glorify God in all that we do!

I hope that if you are reading this and do not know Jesus Christ as your savior, then please email and I will be glad to talk with you about The Great I AM.

Free in Jesus,

P.S. As I continue to blog, I know that I will get better....but this is as good as it gets for now! Hence the reason I have never blogged....because I am a perfectionist and would edit this over and over, but for today I am giving up that control :)


  1. love you blog and your theme! Let´s encourage each other! :)

    1. Thanks, and totally! I just checked out your blog, and you are so inspiring! All glory to God girl!
